pinkish glow?


This weekend i spend every single minute with Emmet. Lovely lovely Emmet. How can u be real?
Saturday we went to Dublin so i could get a new book to read, just finished Dean Koontz - invasion and that was a good book! except for the ending but whaevvah ya no! also my laptops cable is broken, looks like it has been eaten by rats or something....?? and i thought i could get that as well. I did, but it cost me 64 euro - 600 kronor fyyyyy faaan!!! So i felt really sad because i used my birthday money i got from mom and that wasnt what i wanted to buy really.. not with those money anyways!

Then i got a new thingy for my phone, cuz i spilled coffee all over my little man Tito so i had to remove him and also i thought it was time for change. I got a green clover/sheep with the word Princess on it... only Emmet knows why. So that was perfect for my phone! Then we searched for my book, i already knew what i wanted... i wanted Stephen King - IT and i had almost given up when LO VE LY Emmet found it, of course! and he bought it for me too.. This guy is just way too sweet to me! but he makes me so happy :)

The proof of us being so happy together came from an old man who were just walking by us when we sat out in the sun waiting for the bus. at first he looked at me and gave me the biggest smile ever, and i didnt know what to think of him really. He went into a shop and i forgot about it and just focused on emmet as i usually do lol..

The old man came out from the shop and he stopped infront of us, still with the huge smile and he just said something like - whatever u guys have together, just hold on to it cuz life is too short. I only remember some words but i undestood that he saw how happy we were together and that we should fight for that.

It was like an out of body experience for me. Never have i heard something like that before! and maybe thats because i havent ever felt like this for anyone before either. Our pure happiness just made that mans day! how wonderful is that? and how wonderful and amazing isnt it that what i feel is showing like that? I know how it feels inside of me, i know that it is somekind of pinkish glow around me and in my mind and heart. Just had no idea ppl could see that.
What would u call that feeling?

yesterday i was home alone. It was nice! just having a whole day to myself. Suddenly someone knocked on the door, it was some kind of delivery guy! When he said he had a package for Amanda Helsinghof, my jaw just dropped to the floor! I got a package! for ME! yeeey *happydance*

I placed the package on my bed, saw some papers and opened them and read - Sorry for the late present. Emmet
AAAWH!!! ok my birthday is sunday but it was supposed to be delivered later so.. anyway! i just freaked out and didnt understand anything! texted emmet and asked why do i have a package here from u? and can i open it? He said yes open it lol and so i did!

I just laughed out loud when i realized it was a pillow with a built in speaker!! SO NOW I CAN LISTEN TO MY MUSIC WHEN I GO TO SLEEP!! - without my earphones cuz that is not comfy when u r lying on the side. What a gift! what a GUY!! is this really my life?? never have i got a package delivered like that, if its not something ive ordered myself of course. This guy must really think of me alot my mom said - i just had to call her up and tell her!
Made my day, or probably the whole week!

Se u later alligator! - in a while crocodile!

Postat av: maria

Love that you are sooooo verrryyyy happpppiiiiii....:)

löööööve u <3 // mom

2011-08-30 @ 18:32:10

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